
Titelstory "Pipettenspitzen-Inspektion automatisiert" @ Meditronic Journal 3-2023

We are thrilled to announce that our groundbreaking product, the "Hekutip QC Assistant," has been featured as the headline story in the latest issue of the prestigious "Meditronic Journal."

In the highly anticipated article (Link zum E-Paper) you will learn how our HEKUtip QC Assistant is revolutionizing quality control in the medical industry. Through its advanced technology and advanced algorithms, the system optimizes quality assurance processes to ensure the highest standards.

Kontaktieren Sie uns, um weitere Updates und exklusive Einblicke in die revolutionären Fähigkeiten des Hekutip QC Assistant zu erhalten.

Contact us for more updates and exclusive insights into the revolutionary capabilities of Hekutip QC Assistant.

Together with hekuma, SVS-Vistek & Canrill we are shaping a new era of precision and reliability in the medical industry!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!


🏆 Handover of trophy for the INSPECT Award 2023! 🏆

hekuTIP QC Assistant achieves second place in the "Automation + Control" category

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Award as "volunteer-friendly company" by the Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann

Honored, desired and increased!

At the "Safe Bavaria" ceremony in Munich on July 15, Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann presented the "Volunteer-friendly Company - Together for More Safety" award to nine deserving employers.

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Titelstory "Pipettenspitzen-Inspektion automatisiert" @ Meditronic Journal 3-2023

We are thrilled to announce that our groundbreaking product, the "Hekutip QC Assistant," has been featured as the headline story in the latest issue of the prestigious "Meditronic Journal."

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