Spare parts

We keep spare parts for our common system solutions and products in our warehouse. In addition, we offer you the option of consignment stock for operation-critical spare parts. This ensures maximum speed in the supply of spare parts.

Spare part inquiry form

Contact for
Serial number
Description of the Plant
Description of the fault / malfunction or desired spare part

Data Protection

We will be happy to advise, support and inform you in the future as well. Therefore we need the [Data Protection consent (Cookie-Einstellungen verlinken)] for the use of your data:

*Mandatory fields

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!


"Automated AI testing" - Publication in the magazine "inspect"

Our latest technical article was recently published in the current issue 03/2024 of the renowned magazine "inspect". The article highlights our innovative, AI-supported inspection system, which we have successfully implemented in the BMW foundry in…

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🏆 Handover of trophy for the INSPECT Award 2023! 🏆

hekuTIP QC Assistant achieves second place in the "Automation + Control" category

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Award as "volunteer-friendly company" by the Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann

Honored, desired and increased!

At the "Safe Bavaria" ceremony in Munich on July 15, Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann presented the "Volunteer-friendly Company - Together for More Safety" award to nine deserving employers.

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